Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas 2012

 What a year.  Time has flown by these last almost 3 years that little Cameron has blessed our lives.  Every day a new milestone, a new discovery, and a new challenge:)  But of course, we wouldn't have it any other way.  He has given me so much, and has made me a better person.  Having Cameron in my life straightens out my priorities, that's for sure!

So...naturally, we had to spoil him for Christmas:)

However, I wouldn't recommend taking your toddler Christmas shopping with you.  We went to Kohls to grab just the last few ingredients to a gift basket, and left with a giant, very loud firetruck:)  But look at that smile, it was worth it.

And of course, when we got home, we had to put on our fire gear and pretend to be fire fighters!!  Little man just got out of the shower, so his curls were...um...impressive:)

I love this picture!  If we had been able to get Christmas photo cards out this year, this would probably had been the picture.  Such a happy boy!  

Here's a shot of Christmas aftermath... 

Here's the Christmas inspired sensory bin I threw together for Cam.  He actually really liked this one.  Usually, I'm pretty sure I spend more time making them than he does playing with them, lol.  This one has ornaments, stickers, bows, tinsel, strips of wrapping paper, cotton balls (for snow), and a few little gift items from the Dollar store.  The train is the ornament that he chose this year, out of all the ones at WalMart.  Ya, it was like $.97 :)  Looking back on it, I suppose I should have made it more Jesus oriented.  But we are not what you would really call God Fearing folks... so I guess it's ok to keep things superficial, at least for this year.  

Cameron's amazing school helped the toddlers put together these little gift bags for their parents.  The kiddos even stamped and colored the lunch bags!  I love this picture... but I remember that day, cuz he doesn't wear that coat often.  His hair was *especially* wild that day!  My luck, it was picture day:)

Cam had his Christmas program, and it was absolutely darling.  They are so smart, they always have the toddler class go first with their performance, so parents can sneak out early and prevent melt-downs.  I got him a pimpin' little Christmas suit with a sweater and a tie and cute little studly shoes:)  They sang Away in a Manger, Starlight Starbright...and Cameron sang Jingle Bells at the top of his lungs.  :)  You can see him in the pictures below...he's the one laying on the floor.  He did some break-dancing for a while, then I guess he just tuckered himself out.  I was soooo embarrassed, but at least his cousin was up there picking her nose, lol

On a side note, I didn't get any pictures of this but we did the 12 Books of Christmas with Cameron.  And the 25 days of Christmas.  He was really good at opening presents by the 25th, lol.  It really wasn't that pricey; most of the gifts were from the Dollar store or Target's dollar spot.  And the majority of the books were from the book basket that I bid on and won at Cameron's school's fundraiser.  And I have to admit, he was really, really good and keeping it to one gift a day.  He was mostly interested in his cousin Addi's big gift (it was about as tall as he is!)  He kept telling me, "I'm a bigger boy, so I can have the bigger present?"  He did eventually poke a few holes in it, but Addi didn't mind:)

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