Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 2012 Montessori Shelves

I had decided to change out Cameron's shelves in his classroom, but by the time I got the Chika Chika Boom Boom bookcase and the Alphabet bookcase set up, I was kinda over setting up tray works:(  The other shelves I usually save for traditional Montessori.  Hate to admit it, but these aren't my best efforts...

Patternig activity curtesy of Melissa and Doug

Tonging with spiky balls

This work is leftover from his farm unit.  I wasn't going to put it out, but he found it in the pile of stuff I was putting away and liked it so much he carried it around with him for a while:)  It's pretty basic Montessori; categorizing plant or animal. 

My little man *hates* to brush his teeth and fights me on it every day!  I've tried making it a fun game, getting him the expensive Cars toothpaste, getting a Spinbrush... no luck.  So, here is a tooth brushing work:)  This giant dino head unscrews on the bottom and holds a whole mess of dinos and trees.  We got it at the Thanksgiving point Dinosaur Museum.  I put a big rock in the bottom to steady it so he doesn't know it over. 

Look familiar?  It's leftover from his Halloween works.  I traded out the medium for fall leaves.  

Kiddo still loves stamping.  Here are letter stamps from HL

The button snake re-appears!  He is much better at this work since the first time I introduced it.

Can't have a Montessori shelf without a pouring activity:)

Spooning plastic acorns; these are also left over from the Halloween unit.

Just for fun:)  Can't have all work and no play!!


I made a few changes :)  First, I finally put up the Alphabet Train poster pieces that have been sitting in my closet for months.  Cameron loves them!!  'Wow Mamma, look!  ABCs and a firetruck!'  

Remember how I was saying Cam really didn't like his Fall sensory bin?  I switched it out for a shorter bin, and he has actually seemed a little more interested.  The old one was narrow and tall; a silly design:)  Um, what else?  Oh, I found another coconut tree window gel.  He seriously cannot get enough of those!

 I decided that Cam's little magnet board looked kinda sparse, so I put together a counting activity.  I just took felt number stickers and stuck 'em to heavy card stock, then cut them down to a manageable size.  Then I took some Pom Poms and stuck small magnets on the back.  He has played with it a few times already!  "Mamma, what's that oh doing there?"

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