Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween 2012, Montessori Style

*Sigh*  Oh I so love Halloween:)  I have been looking forward to setting up Cam's little classroom area with this theme for a while!  Remember how I moved my craft desk out of the guest bedroom and set up more Montessori shelves a few months ago?  That was seriously the best decision ever!  Little Man absolutely loves his new space, and I love it too cuz it's organized and functional.  Of course with anything, there is still some minor decorating/tweaking that I would like to do...Anyways, enjoy the pics:)

I only put together one bookshelf of Halloween manuipulatives, mainly because I spent so much freakin' time on his Farm and Insect themes, I couldn't bring myself to dismantle them:)  So, I moved out the traditional Montessori stuff that was residing there and tried to make the new activities very practical-life-ish:)

So speaking of traditional Montessori, how bout some tonging work?  I found the pumpkin ice cube tray at the $ store and had the tongs already.  The plastic acorns/beads were from Target, I think.  I tried to make there be even numbers of the different colors to have some 1:1 correspondence.

Here's another work straight out of the manual:)  Cameron loved the flower arranging I set up for him last time, so I just replaced the carnations with autumn-y flowers.  Again, I just used the same parmesan cheese shaker from the dollar store for a little added difficulty.

This one is Cameron's favorite, I think!  Again, this was a great $ store find.  It's just a little flashlight with interchangeable lenses so you can cast shadows.  Cameron has so enjoyed this one...He takes it out of the classroom all the time so I am constantly finding all those pieces all over the house!  "Where's my fwash-wight, Mama?  And my Jack-o-wantern?"

...and here is a shot of the flashlight in use:)  "Spooky spiders, Mamma!"

This is just a silly little Candy Corn game from Target's Dollar Spot.  I thought he might like the colorful pegs, and it qualifies as fine motor:)

There's our good old lightbox.  That has gotten so much use over the past year!  I found some gel window clings that were pumpkins and fall leaves at the grocery store for like, $2.  He has actually spent quite a lot of time on this and keeps coming back to it.  That makes me happy:)  Except now he likes to shred them and stick the little pieces all over...

Are two tonging works too many tonging works?  I don't think so!!  I shamelessly stole this idea from Counting Coconuts (shout out!)  It is tonging spiders onto their web from the witches cauldron (guacamole bowl).  Don't laugh at my spider web.  Glitter is my friend:)

Stamping!  My little kiddo loves stamps.  These are just Halloween-y ones from the dollar store.  I keep using this particular plate for stamping works just cuz it is divided just right:)

Yaay for spooning works!  Cameron really enjoys these and he's getting really good at them.  I like this spoon, it keeps making appearances:)  The medium is just 3 packages of Halloween erasers from Target $ Spot.  He likes to tell me all about the ghost, the pumpkin and the 'spooky kitty'  

 Another good find from Target is this little Bingo game.  I almost didn't get it cuz I thought it might be too advanced.  He plays it with me for about a minute before he gets bored :)  So, it came with little bingo cards and cute little spider counters.  However, they were flimsy, thin cardboard and I knew I had to make them more Cameron proof...

...and so I put all those water bottle caps I've been hoarding saving to good use!  I just glued  them on top and they have worked like a charm.  Cameron has been all about counting for a few months now, so he has been counting the 'baby spiders' for me:)

 Here's a shot of his magnet board all dolled up for Halloween...and Farm and Insects:)  I guess since I still had those activities out I had to keep relatable stuff on the board.  More window clings from Target and -it's hard to see- a glow in the dark skeleton from the $ store.  At the bottom, there is a package of these awesome bright glowsticks that you can put on the ends of your fingers.  Cameron loved those!  He surprised Daddy when he came home after work with his 'creepy fingers!'

More tonging works.  The medium is a package of, um I think it was actually called Creepy Critters from the $ store:)  This one has actually been challenging for him because they are all different shapes and sizes.  And of course, I can't make it too easy for him so I used the more difficult tongs.

 Oh he *loves* this one!!  These are skeletons from the aforementioned Creepy Critters pack that I just hooked a paperclip through.  I taped a piece of orange ribbon over one of the shelf cubbies, and he hangs them up.  It's a good work for him because he has to be soft or the ribbon breaks.  He got a great pincher grasp but he lacks patience.  He only seems to be able to do those super intricate fine motor works for a minute or two before he just has to start jumping or running or something!  I am really pleased with this one, and 6 skeletons is just enough to work on.  

 Heres a shot of the Autumn sensory bin I put together for him.  He hates it.  Seriously, he wont even touch it :(  He asked me about a few of the items and has not looked back since!  But really, I guess with all the fun Halloween stuff, who would want to play with gourds and leaf stickers? :)  Oh, and there's another shot of those gel window clings I was talking about earlier.   

And here is another shot of the sensory bin.

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